Done it!! 31 blogs in 31 days. Feeling very proud of myself!! https://thecalmspace.co.uk/2020/08/31/yoga-nidra-and-deep-rest/

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Posted every day, beginning of my life in cooking up to present day. Hope to publish book as cooking memoir


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Woooo!! So I didn't keep up the whole month, but I've still gotten more writing done this month than ever before so I'm taking that as a win! :) Thank you for running this challenge-- I feel so inspired!


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I didn't start with this goal, but I have realized the direction that I want to take my writing for now, at least. I decided to leave fruit out of my book, but have been thinking about this post all summer as I was picking.


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I did it! 31 in 31!!! And in addition--2 posts/week for Middle-Pause, and several in humor for MuddyUm--including 4 parody poems. So I accomplished not losing momentum in 2 other areas of my Medium writer's life, and continuing with BYOB even when I hit a wall last Tuesday and ran out of juice. I learned so much that will inform my novels--yes that's right, plural as I got some ideas for a sequel! Now I need to plan September so I don't sink into the post-BYOB blues!!! thanks for everyone's support and encouragement! Congrats to all of us. See you on the call later to celebrate our writing--no matter how much! or how little! we did more than before, right? https://medium.com/humor-authenticity-magic/just-us-girls-have-a-lot-to-say-498f9a6ad7cf?source=friends_link&sk=58ebb19cbf9923be427004f46324d83a

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Last day. As many of you know, August 2020 has been a bit much for me. I lost my job, my mom and, like many, I'm in the middle of job searching and searching for what's next in my life all in the middle of a pandemic, as we await the end of 2020, which can't come soon enough. However, with that said, I did, surprisingly, manage to write and post 13 blog posts during the BYOB challenge and that for me, was a huge accomplishment. Looking forward to the next steps. Here's my post for today, 8/31: https://the40andoverproject.wordpress.com/2020/08/31/hot-planner-summer/

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This one is about me and my honey. I updated it to fit the series. https://link.medium.com/7WIWzo0ap9

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Last day! I have 2 articles submitted but not yet accepted. Here are the drafts if anyone is interested: https://medium.com/p/3b6f56419538/edit, and https://medium.com/p/8e1e71fd4c84/edit

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DONE! Challenge accepted, and met - 31 days of accessibility for online education - here is the final post: https://idwerkz.com/blog/advocacy/considering-institutional-accessibility/

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Talk about a shiver of pure and absolute delight! I committed to a goal that I had and despite 31 days to get in my own way by making excuses, doubting myself, and more - I wrote 31 days of post. As I started my 31 days a day early, I've moved onto my next series of posts on the theme of how to become a better reader: https://medium.com/@Livn2Learn/why-you-need-to-up-your-reading-game-8c85f111a1e7

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Almost there! I have two to do today, and I will, to complete my BYOB.

Here's the latest. https://medium.com/tapestry-of-life/sometimes-its-best-to-talk-about-the-weather-12f9dfe53c10

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Congrats to everyone who made it to the end.

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Before BYOB, I had a Medium acct and stories published, but no idea of what was possible with Medium! Many days, I spent time learning about curation and publications instead of actually writing, and I'm glad I did! I've made a few bucks and am excited to work toward growing that as I expand my audience and write more! Thank you to all who helped me!

“How I Learned to Cope with My Health Anxiety” by Tiffany Ciccone https://link.medium.com/CdUxthBap9

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“Don’t let me get me”. Kept the most painful as the last post https://link.medium.com/BRredIkap9

31/31: what I accomplished this month is to be consistent with my planning and writing. I'll probably not keep up at the same place, but I showed myself that I can do it.

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Two days late and some editing short - not sure if any of you are still checking this thread, but here are my next two installments of Cresting Time: Day 31 and 32. https://medium.com/@lisamwaltonwriter/cresting-time-day-31-3b3ddb904401?source=friends_link&sk=501e9174869fc592704d6f8412977e62 and https://medium.com/@lisamwaltonwriter/cresting-time-day-32-c2203d64c197. And if you want to read the exciting conclusion (at least I hope it's exciting). It looks good on my outline but now I am afraid it's little ambitious be sure to follow me: @lisamwaltonwriter

This challenge really helped me reestablish my creative writing habit and I am so grateful. I plan to continue doing deep dives of other topics - maybe one of the other 6 ideas I had for my BYOB book.

I've also loved the introduction to new writers. A big congrats to everyone else who finished this program. I'm so excited to se what you all do next!

Thanks Shaunta for organizing this.

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alas, this BYOB didn't work very well for me in the end. however! I spent 31 days digesting, processing, and writing about the whys and why nots, and crafting a single longer post. congrats to everyone for whatever you did, tied to the longings in your hearts, and best of luck! https://trouveenfrance.blogspot.com

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I wrote 21 posts in 31 days, which is HUGE for me. I usually write 2 or 3 per month. Here's the last one. https://medium.com/what-to-do-about-everything/question-marks-seem-straightforward-but-theyre-not-4007d43ef3b1

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I overcame not writing, I learned about Medium, and I was rewarded for putting myself out there for input. Today's post is a revision of yesterday, complete with picture and headings.


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Whoot hoot final BYOB - pinching myself that like others I've been able to write and publish every day. Celebrating that I'm now collating comments to use at the front end of my published work. Bring on publishing!

Now to figure out how to log into Ninja website and catchup on all the calls! My email and password are being rejected!


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