Holy cow, almost at the end. I almost have a book. https://link.medium.com/jJRUDFnGn9

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The first episode is finally out. The book I am planning to write is the first season, six episodes. https://medium.com/viking-p-i/viking-p-i-a-dog-named-frode-d22d01260714

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I so did not want to write this tonight. I'm in Nj seeing extended family for the first time in 6 months. But after a great day I made myself sit down and write. I haven't missed a day all month. My story isn't down. If you read today's post you will see I was sneaky. I did not even reread tonight, much less edit. Likely lots of errors. But I'm too tired to care. I'm just glad I did it.

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Congrats everyone for making it this far! Broken on Bonaire Chapter 26: https://medium.com/travel-accomplice/the-longest-swim-44f3a42e5565

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30 down, 1 more to go...really enjoying my last few...glad to be winding down AND I will miss this close encounter with my characters and having the posts so well planned. Note to self--keep planning!!! I can do it! here you go! https://medium.com/humor-authenticity-magic/if-god-answers-all-prayers-what-happens-when-we-pray-for-opposite-things-5ee4860f6777?source=friends_link&sk=25b7ceaf89a2e1fa433bd1304e1a3681

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You guys encouraged me to get this written--https://medium.com/@rngldtxgrp/consistently-writing-250668196127

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Day 30 of accessibility for online learning - student engagement and accessibility: https://idwerkz.com/blog/accessibility/student-engagement-ensuring-accessibility-for-all/

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I don’t know about you but I’m happy to be at the End.


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Playing catchup with both published in Illumination and finishing off two more today. On track! Looking forward to the next steps!



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I haven't posted here as much as I might have liked. Here is today's and my REALLY GOOD NEWS.


Learning About Oneness

What we’re all here to do and become. And, the Game is changing.

Nalini MacNab

Aug 30 · 4 min read

It’s funny, when I sit down to write this, something gets in the way. When I walk away from the computer, all things become clear. I sit down again and wham! Interference. This time it made me laugh out loud, mostly because this type of pattern is one of the learning algorithms of this world.

We’re brought up to believe we must overcome obstacles to gain something…whatever that heavily-invested-desire thing might be for each of us. When anyone tells us we are more powerful than our obstacles, we scoff. {Children don’t do that, but that’s another story.}Inner derision mirrors how deeply victim mentality is entrenched in our world. “No pain, no gain,” or so we are conditioned. G. vs. E., dying with the most toys, and accomplishing “the impossible dream” are mottoes for the Hero’s Journey, a popular explanation for why things seem to be the way they seem to be. That’s the game, here. It does not have to be so.

Early on, I chose not to play. Oh, I went through the motions, because one must when working with these systems. We all know the saying, “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” If currency did grow on trees, would we be cutting down rain forests, or encouraging growth? What a game that might be! Who can grow the largest ‘money’ tree?

Then again, trees provide the viable components of the air we breathe, shade, climate mitigation, and edibles in the form of fruit and nuts… hmmm. Maybe we’re barking up the wrong currency?

Some traditions tell us that desire is “bad.” Without it, though, we are unable to accomplish anything. Most traditions also advocate serving others over serving self. In my lifetime of study, and that’s only this life, I’ve most often found that the problem with this either/or lies in translation.

The essence of this teaching is an antidote for selfishness, which, like anything in a dualistic system, eventually turns into its opposite. {Constantly serving others instead of oneself is the martyr’s version of selfishness. It’s a koan, meant to still the mind, (or make it crazy) like any other.} Any well-designed koan drives the mind to a breaking point, which is, in fact, the point of the exercise.

What if we all served the Oneness, which is neither the little self, nor that of another? What if what mattered was what creates and serves us all?

Our physical and emotional bodies are designed to hold and amplify our hearts’ yearnings…sometimes called desires. These impulses are our best teachers, creating the classroom scenarios by which we learn. We all have our preferences. Some we choose as result of experience, and some we were programmed to choose, genetically, by imprinting or environmental factors.

As I was re-writing my new book for the bazillionth time, I happened upon a favorite passage from Trina Paulus’ Hope for the Flowers.

“How does one become a butterfly?” she asked. “You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.”

This is how the portal of the heart best serves us. It amplifies the feeling of our greatest yearning, making it matter most. Look around you. Look at the life you have manifested. This is what matters most to you. It is, whether your mind wants to agree or not, the accumulation of your heart’s desires, couched in the environment you have put up with to have those desires met. Some parts of your surroundings may resonate beautifully, some may be a bit outdated.

Want to make a change? To do that we must each identify where we still cling to a caterpillar’s existence of constant feeding, growth, and molting, and choose flight.

Why are angels drawn with wings? The wings signify a fully opened heart.

I have spent this life in the study and practice of the world’s enlightenment traditions. I am ordained in three {which always makes me chuckle}. The credentials were steps along a path directed by the Great Mother, providing me with information and tools I would need to assist others. When She took over, I stepped away from all formatted, hierarchical, paths and into Her arms. The light has always been what mattered most.

Funnily enough, it was when I remembered to love the light in all things that Her Oneness nested in my heart.

I write what She has to say, as one voice in Her Infinite symphony. It is my profound wish that the love She is, ignites in every heart.

Here are three of my latest posts about Her Oneness:

Finding Her Voice

Recognizing Oneness

Falling Into Becoming

{because manifestation happens in threes}

My latest book, Becoming Oneness, The Art of Transformation, has just been published on Amazon. I’m that chuffed. It is the distillation of 30 years of learning, teaching and becoming, releasing my life from its chrysalis.

“What one can do, another can do.” I wish you well on your journey.

Our love for Her, in infinite forms, through infinite voices, creates the Divine Symphony that this world can be.

Thank you for investing your precious time and attention in reading this.

Blessings to us all. So mote it be.

~ Namaste ~

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