I have learned that I can do what I set my mind to. One thought is that I was just thinking I only have 3 more posts after today, but really the point is to develop a writing habit that continues after August. https://medium.com/@lee.anne.a.hancock/dementia-or-is-it-e5000b6cfac1

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I have learned that I am capable of a lot more work if I set my mind to it.


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What I've learned as a writer- what time of day finds me the most productive and creative, and what kind of performance can be elicited by growing proximity to a 12:00 midnight deadline (pumpkin time).

These times occupy opposite ends of the daily spectrum, and in between I have found the joy of expressing myself a little more freely and the appreciation of my own voice.

Mostly I have found new joy in watching my collection of posts grow into a "body of work"...

Here is day 28 of accessible online learning, The Sound of Math: https://idwerkz.com/blog/accessibility/the-sound-of-math/

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I learned there are many ways to peel an onion. I will use them https://link.medium.com/3WhMRvqem9

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I've learned that getting out of your own way isn't as hard as you make out to be and sometimes a challenge, a helping hand, or both can help you get moving in the right direction. I've also learned that I need to take time to reflect on the lessons I learned this month and where I have an opportunity to learn more. https://medium.com/living-to-learn/becoming-the-ceo-of-you-conducting-a-monthly-review-3649b03e5e24

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I learn I can rely on myself to keep on writing...but I need to up my self-care when I hit the 3/4 done wall...and that momentum is easier to maintain than regain! Thanks to Ashley Shannon for her suggestion to write something for the pure joy of it just when I needed some encouragement. I'm enjoying the home stretch! Day #28--A father tries to say goodbye...https://medium.com/humor-authenticity-magic/how-do-you-say-goodbye-when-you-cant-speak-ebcd5d716245?source=friends_link&sk=31b6979dd796e35fd2c3fa51d244b294

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I've learned that I thrive when I am working towards a goal alongside others. I have also learned that sometimes I need breaks.

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I have learned that I can be very productive when I put my mind to it. I have also realised that writing non-fiction is time-consuming as I spend a lot of time checking my facts and looking up sources. It’s interesting though!

Here’s today’s post. https://thecalmspace.co.uk/2020/08/28/sacred-space-for-calm/

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I've learned that there's a much better set of vocabulary I can use to explain my topic. https://medium.com/cultivating-wonder/want-to-avoid-worldbuilding-fatigue-dbf419497cf4

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I learned that I can write fiction. Quickly. But that I underestimate how ling it will take to tell a story. I'm at 39K words and not done yet. Oh well. But I've written so much this month. So I am proud of myself. Here's Part 28 of Cresting Time: https://medium.com/@lisamwaltonwriter/cresting-time-day-28-6a060b0e1f36

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Today's post is about using subscriptions to automate your reading and journaling habit.


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I can make myself do what is a priority to me?, but it messes up my peace of mind, and my other habits

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How an Apology Letter Won My Angry Daughter Back https://medium.com/@writethedarndestthings/parenting-28540ef4f4ce

I learned that I actually love writing! <3 And I stress out too much.

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“Open your eyes”


I learned that I actually enjoy it, and that I was able to push myself more than I thought

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