I am finally ahead of the game and got this published in Illumination yesterday. Have two more waiting on getting published.


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Holiday cookies are my theme today. Making me hungry


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Here's yesterday's, which I just finished today.


I like the idea of sharing a story AND something actionable related to developing creative and emotional freedom, but I think it's still a little clunky. Welcome any feedback.

I'm struggling. I've been starting these off with a PSST and find myself discovering a new direction midway and following that inspiration. Not sure if I need to be more disciplined or..? What's not working is to finish these posts in an hour. I need at least twice that right now. Again, would love your input. Thanks!

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And DONE! Day 16 of online learning accessibility - Free digital document accessibility conversion: https://idwerkz.com/blog/31-days-to-a11y/accessible-document-conversions-sensusaccess/

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“How to Eat the Best Berries” by Julie Moreno https://link.medium.com/wioea0Io08

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What to do when you are assigned to a long-range planning committee? https://medium.com/@remerson9/charting-a-course-for-the-future-65afdb0bb8b1

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My gran was something else


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I want to be a top novel writer but finding it difficult to develop a consistent daily writing habit. Here's a piece about one of my reflections during the pandemic-( Please comment and let me know how I have written)


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This is for everyone who wonders, "Why bother with grammar rules?" You might be obscuring the message you're trying to deliver to readers.


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Following the SWOT Analysis, I listed and described my weaknesses as a writer. After that, I prioritized the weaknesses based on how they impact my writing. This is the first step in addressing the weaknesses.


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