Haha, I wrote a post early this morning and then 1/2 a post later today. Started to paste the URL here and then forgot about this morning's post. Freaked out because I'm sending these to my subscribers every day, and I thought I wasn't ready for tomorrow. Typical! Here it is: https://juliecunninghamrd.com/sweetener/

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I'm way behind. This is only my 2nd post on "Change." My writing is so much slower than all the others. But I want to stay a part of this group (even though I got mixed up & went to the Tues. night class instead of Mon.


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“There is a light that never goes out”. Inspiration in unexpected places https://link.medium.com/lXm8wgPJT8

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Today's post is about being prepared for unexpected opportunities to read.


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“Simple Asparagus Recipes” by Julie Moreno https://link.medium.com/paEKtOUHT8

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Running one day late for this article. Today, I wrote about why self-love is such an important topic and I also identified opportunities in writing about this topic.


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Pinching myself it's day 12 already and I've published more than half of my proposed book's content! Whoot hoot. Still have 20 drafts in working progress using the PSST worksheets - OMG can I just say that template is a game changer for when an idea strikes?!

Here's a repurposed blog which was published in The Ascent - https://medium.com/the-ascent/what-does-it-mean-to-have-strength-6699c107ad4a

Grateful in advance for any reads x

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Day 12 of a11y for online learning: Accessible PDFs: https://idwerkz.com/blog/accessibility/accessible-pdf/

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Day Twelve: Learning to cook from my women, a commemorative story


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I'm not behind, but with advice from Adrienne and the girls (shout-out to Tuesday Night

Gen-Fic!!) I'm going in a new direction and turning this into a series of short books! I haven't posted anything yet but I'm writing like crazy now! Since I'm now tearing apart and rewriting, I at least wanted to say that BYOB has done what it was meant to do - provide a vehicle to get to a finished product! I'll be back with a sample in a couple of days, but thank you BYOB!!

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Missed two days thanks to those crazy midwest storms. Back in the saddle today! https://medium.com/@danischnakenberg/say-goodbye-to-one-size-fits-all-content-creation-workflows-fc0f98d0ec35

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in my BYOB, the characters from my upcoming novel take over and write my blogs for me. Thank you, Silver, and company for the much-needed break!!!! https://medium.com/humor-authenticity-magic/singing-and-swinging-sweet-chariot-2f2edfd2c8b6?source=friends_link&sk=843e10ee7e7d809ba5c116cb5c03d969

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