I have been really enjoying writing my novella. It's definitely a much more pantser approach than I usually use. It's also somewhat unsettling to be sharing fiction in such a raw state. I haven't see any growth on my email list, but my writing habit is firmly established and will carry over to when I get back to my novel. Anyway . . .here's Cresting Time: Day 14

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The longest chapter of the novella so far, and by far the most action. Comments appreciated. https://medium.com/travel-accomplice/theres-always-a-hole-in-the-wall-right-where-you-need-one-d15fd1712636

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I'm really excited to have been consistent every day with this! Here's today's: https://medium.com/the-overweight-adventurer/home-is-f2bf84ef175d

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This one was always going to be repurposed into the book. Published at 'The Innovation'. https://medium.com/the-innovation/embrace-your-wound-ff0293d958e8

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I’m getting the hang of this. But it feels like a lot of work. Keeping at it though! https://thecalmspace.co.uk/2020/08/14/alternate-nostril-breathing/

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Day Fourteen done!!! Day Fourteen: all about catering weddings. I'm late today, getting behind but pushing to stick to every day.


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I never would have gotten this done w/out this challenge, so thanks, Shaunta! I'm sending these to subscribers who opted in every day and building an email flow at the same time! https://juliecunninghamrd.com/when-to-check-blood-sugar/

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My novel's characters have taken over my blog...One strong character listens to both sides of an issue and takes charge with her solution. Exploring cultural appropriation...enjoy! https://medium.com/humor-authenticity-magic/were-not-apologizing-for-sharing-our-music-5c051e0f19f3?source=friends_link&sk=fcbb7d4563e0b8d8be3baabba44b31e4

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I'm still working on "Identifying Opportunities for Travel Writing". I took a course on SkillShare and made some notes.

The approach I'm taking for this is post is as follows:

1. I'm first understanding what travel writing is all about.

1. What do travel writers write and what do readers like to read.

After I understand these points, I'll make notes on why I enjoy travelling and why I want to write about travel.

Based on these notes, I want to understand the intersection of my interests and what readers will find useful.

This is still a work in progress.

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Today's post is about educators choosing self care and some inspiration for how to do so.


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What's best for a non-profit is hard to define and it keeps changing.


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