Hi Shaunta,

Do you have a view on how to handle communicating the overarching theme in each blog post please? I'm considering putting the same opening paragraph on each post to give context - because they're quite closely targeted to a specific group of people. Or should each post genuinely have to work on its own without the thematic context?



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hi Shaunta! I'm signed up for BYOB, and I'm struggling with figuring out my topic (and anxious that I might be "already behind" and need to get moving on the planning). I posted seven ideas on the thread related to that, and the one that resonated most was about offering practical information (in my case about living overseas as an expat). But I am much more drawn to another topic which is less practical and more informative and visual art-related, enabling me to include my own illustrations, which is an objective of mine. Am I just being stubborn by resisting what people want, since as you suggest writing is a service of sorts? Do I need to revisit the ideas so they're ALL really interesting to me first, before I validate them? Should I back up a little, re-clarify who my reader is, and then do some more refined research and validating by looking at social media pages directly related to the topic? (Maybe I just answered my own question...) Thank you!

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My TOC is good enough to start writing my posts. I have a feeling its going to change as I work on this. Ive come up with 3 different topics. Is this thread where i would run those by the comminity for opinion? Or is this strictly to ask you questions about the BYOB?

Thanks so much for this challenge you've put together. It has helped me move forward!!

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Hi Shaunta: what is the best way to learn about formatting and punctuation? Thank you!

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Hi Shaunta. I'm signed up for BYOB, and still wondering if it's the right fit. On-boarding appt with Meg not till the 23rd. I just finished a book. Am in process of another, and the challenge is inspiring me in a way I needed! I'm grateful. It hasn't been time to finish this book for five years. Now is the time. AND, I'm not sure my creative non-fiction, bordering on literary fiction {are they the same thing?} is appropriate for the 31 days to ... process. I will happily write the 31 posts. This week I've written two blog posts for the website blog, instead of the usual one. And, next week I aspire to get back in the swing of daily posts on Medium. It's been 2-3 a week for awhile. I need to switch the blog on my Amazon author page to a medium feed, which the new newsletter format may assist with, may not. My question is, is the BYOB a good fit?

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It seems like everyone in the world is out there teaching your child how to do draw ... how do I set myself apart?

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